For over 25 years, Tutors have been using our range of 11+ and Key Stage 2 books to support their pupils. Our books follow a traditional step-by-step approach for parents, tutors and teachers to support children.
It doesn’t matter if a tutor teaching online or in person, Tutors’ complete scheme of work is supported by our materials. We are truly an one-stop shop for all 11+ preparation and Key Stage 2 English and maths support.
Our books are tried and tested
With the AE Tuition Centres achieving a success rate of around 85% when using AEP workbooks, testbooks and testpacks, we know that the resources we have created can help you to achieve similar results with your students.
We help tutors’ businesses to thrive!
AE Publications understands the amount of time it takes to run a tutoring business. For each pupil you enrol, the more admin you will have to undertake to support your business. Taking on new pupils should mean reaping the benefits, not worrying about the additional workload.
New to tutoring?
When establishing your own tutoring business, it’s crucial to organise the resources you will use to support you. If you are planning to tutor for Key Stage 2, the 11+, or independent entrance exams, AE Publications offers a comprehensive range of resources for maths, English, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. Our range includes workbooks, testbooks and testpacks. In our workbooks, topics are logically structured to develop a child’s knowledge, understanding and technique in a step-by-step methodical manner. Testbooks are used alongside the workbooks, and testpacks are used to evaluate a child’s progress. Our range is a one-stop shop to support tutors every step of the way
Read our article on how you can start tutoring and how we can support you.
Why you should choose AE Publications’ materials for your tutoring business.
See our full range for yourself in our Product Catalogue
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Before you invest in our books, claim your free Workbook 1 by using promo code TUTORINTRO on our website. Once you have tried them, register as a tutor on our website and start benefiting from our competitive tutor discount scheme.
Tutor Discount Scheme
We offer a competitive tutor discount scheme. Register as a tutor to benefit from these discounts, which will be automatically applied to your order:
Order Value Applicable Discount
£15-£50 Free Postage and Packaging
£51-£150 10% & free P&P
£151-£350 15% & free P&P
£351-£750 20% & free P&P
£751-£1,000 25% & free P&P
£1,001-£1,500 30% & free P&P
£1,501 and above 35% & free P&P
Quality AssuredAll our material has been classroom tested in the AE Tuition Centres, giving you reassurance of its quality.