Independent/Common Entrance Exams

What are Independent & Common Entrance Exams?

Independent school entrance exams can be sat in year 6 or year 8. They generally consist of English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Independent schools tend to devise their own entrance exams. For these exams, children will need to have strong English and maths skills and be able to manage their time well.

Common Entrance exams normally comprise the core subjects – English, maths and Science. Children may also have to sit exams in a range of other subjects. There can sometimes be two or three levels of papers in some subjects.

The maths component will normally focus on mental arithmetic, non-calculator and calculator skills testing. The English components require understanding of prose and poetry comprehension, and require a high standard of practical and creative writing.

The exact content of each exam varies significantly from school to school. We advise that you contact the school(s) for further information before selecting the books you require.

How AE Publications can help

Our series will help give your child a firm foundation in preparation for their independent school or Common Entrance exam. We offer a wide range of books, focusing on techniques required for both types of exam. These can be purchased individually or as different sized bundles.

Our subject specific bundles provide a thorough means of preparation. They each comprise a course of books which should ideally be completed over a school year. This will give a child plenty of time to work through all elements of the exam requirements in a calm and steady way, avoiding cramming too close to the exam.

Although we advise taking a full school year, it is never too late to begin; any preparation is beneficial.

We also have a creative writing series of books which is invaluable preparation should your entrance exam contain a creative writing component.

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Browse our range of books suitable for independent and Common Entrance exams.

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Creative Writing

A complete programme of six workbooks for writing fiction.

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